Why is Our Mind Used to Procrastinate? - stop waiting for the "perfect time"


In the last articles we talked about the difficulty of breaking bad habits and to finally decide to change our life.


We said that our mind is used to procrastinate, to put things off until tomorrow and that, as we we can't see any immediate results we easily lose motivation.

So our mind will postpone that change, that goal, thinking tomorrow will be easier.


"We think we will have more time to focus on it properly, cause tomorrow is a hazy point in the future and therefore you don't have to worry about it."  ( read the article here )


Our life distracts us, makes us put thing off until tomorrow, giving us the illusion we'll always have tomorrow to achieve our dreams and to change our bad habits.


But todays is tomorrow's yesterday


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5 Tips to Organize Your Life - set your priorities & get rid of distractions

Some days ago we wrote an article about breaking bad habits and create new good ones to change our life for the better and achieving our goals. We said that it's not easy - at all - to break a bad habit because 99% of cases you need to wait to see results, and if they don't come fast, it's easy to feel like giving up and to break those new good ones we were starting to create.


Another thing that prevents us from changing our life and achieving our goals is DISORGANIZATION .


We have a very busy life, many things to do, and it seems to us we don't have enough time for what's important, for what we want.

For example, some of you will tell us: "I don't work-out, though I'd want to, because I don't have time to do it ".


Nothing more wrong.


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Why Are Bad Habits So Hard To Break? - change your life & achieve your goals


It's summer, time to enjoy the beaches, to travel and discover new adventures, and relax.

We personally love summer break, it is the best time of year to spend days and nights with friends, organize a holiday, and to enjoy barbecues, picnics and pool parties.

In conclusion, definitely time to take a break from stress and to have more time to yourself, and ..

maybe time to make some new year's resolutions to try to finally


change your life and achieve your goals.


In fact what better time than the beginning of Autumn to decide to change your life and make your dreams and goals come true?

Every time we make our new year's resolutions, we say we're gonna change our life forever and we really believe we can achieve everything we want. 


But.. 90% of the cases we fail. Our efforts and sacrifices end in failure. Every year we promise we are going to change, we say that we are going to improve, and get better organized. Every year we end up exactly the same.

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Stretch & Breathe - the importance of proper breathing during your stretching routine

Hi everyone! A month ago we've started the 30 days Stretching challenge to increase our flexibility.

We have tried different kinds of exercises, trying to figure out which work better for us and we are happy to say that we will show you our personal stretching routine very soon!


In the meanwhile.. we want to talk about the importance of proper breathing while you stretch.

In fact your breathing does have a huge impact on the efficacy of your flexibility routine.



There are many breathing mistakes people do while they stretch like holding their breath, breathing quickly or too deeply, inhale and exhale at the incorrect time that can really affect your exercise and even cause significant problems..

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Powerful Meditation Music - our favorite tracks ever!

Hi guys! Last week we've posted an article on the "Positive Vibes" section about Meditation. In particular we've given you a few tips to start this practice. So, if you'd like to start meditating but you don't know where to start or what to do, we suggest you to read it: hopefully it will allay your doubts.


Today we want to suggest you a few powerful tracks, our favorite ones, that we use while meditating. As we've already said before, music is not at all necessary to meditate, but it may be a great help for you to relax and focus on your breath more easily. 

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Meditation - How to get started

As we have told you in a previous article meditation daily practice has great calming effects and gives myriad truly amazing benefits to your health. Not only it helps you feel calmer 

but it also can help combat stress, it reduces anxiety and depression, it helps with irritability, making you sleep betterbe mindfulness and feel more peaceful and happier.

It also helps you to sharpen your thinking and to stay focused,  it helps you to recharge so that you feel you have more energy throughout your day, allowing you  to procrastinate less, and get more done in the same amount of time.

        Kerri Verna , @beachyogagirl on instagram
Kerri Verna , @beachyogagirl on instagram

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Create your own Summer Playlist to enjoy your trips!


It's summer time! July started and we couldn't feel more excited. This is officially our favorite time of the year. We wait for this moment all year long and we can't believe it's finally here (who doesn't?!). There are so many limitless things to do on summer! Summer means relax, sun, beachespicnics, nights out and barbecues with friends, camping, swimming, biking; it means tan, shorts and open-toed shoes..

But, above all, summer means that it's time for the long-awaited vacations.

These months are the perfect time to take the week off from work and go somewhere to relax, or to plan even just a weekend away and enjoy the summer weather by a river, or a lake.. it's seriously the best way to recharge!


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The Grass is Greener Where You Water it

How many times have you heard the cliche "The grass is greener on the other side"? And how many times have you looked at someone else's life, feeling envious? Every day we see so many people, online or in real life, that always seem to have more and better than us. It's a matter of fact that we always tend to compare ourselves to others and often feel like there is that we're missing.

We've already talked about this last week, reflecting on another common cliche "Comparison is the thief of joy".






The truth is we always want what we don't have and always look across the fence to the proverbial "other side". We waste our time whining about why everyone else's grass seems greener than ours, and we don't see that maybe the reason is that we haven't watered our patch well enough. 

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Open up your eyes - Perfection is a disease of a nation

"Comparison is the thief of joy". Who said that clearly couldn't see it coming. He could never imagine that one day people all around the world would spend hours of their time, phone in hand, scrolling through their Instagram feed: one amazing photo after another; perfect bodies; perfect faces; perfect houses; amazing memories of someone else's life. This is what Instagram and the other socials daily offer us. With an extra opportunity to feel incredibly, amazingly, ridiculously unhappy.




"Perfection is a disease of a nation, pretty hurts, pretty hurts. Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst. We try to fix something but you can't fix what you can't see. It's the soul that needs the surgery"


  (Beyonce - Pretty Hurts)




Those who know us well know we aren't anti social medias. We use them and enjoy posting photos on our personal accounts. We also like scrolling through the feed and seeing all those inspiring photos in the profiles of people we really admire: muas, yogis, actresses and singers, gym lovers, even models. But inspirational photos are really inspiring only when they come with inspiring messages.


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And I'm Feeling Good - the only true reason why you should meditate

We don't know why, but every time we talk about "Meditation" there is someone asking what is so exciting about being sitting in an awkward position, trying to become some boring Buddha reincarnations. ... Wait, what?!?


@kinoyoga (instagram YOGI)
@kinoyoga (instagram YOGI)

Okay, we get it, most people don't understand meditation or the benefits it can bring to your life, but this is because they don't even know what Meditation really IS.


 "Meditation is becoming one with your mind."


The purpose of meditation is to slow down and eventually stop the incessant activity of the mind

There are many different meditation styles and techniques, but the point is to lead the mind to a state of "thoughtless awareness" and to focus the attention on the present momentMastering the ability to put the "attention" on specific things (such as your breath) is one of the key aspect of Meditation. It helps you to get in control of your mind, being mindful and aware.


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Hi everyone, we are Vanilla & Julia and we are very happy you have reached out our blog! We are twin sisters and we come from Italy (Rome). Our biggest passion in life is music and singing and we're studying hard to make a job of it. We love to express ourselves in many different ways, we really enjoy fashion and makeup. We believe that life is meant to be lived happily and that the best thing can come out from every situation: "Never give up" is our mantra! Meditation and fitness are a big part of our life, because we know nothing is more powerful than feeling good in our own skin, both physically and mentally. We really believe that if everyone was really connected to their real self, there wouldn't be room for hate in this world. Kindness is our superpower and we can't wait to share all the love we have and positive vibes with you all!
