DIY coffee scrub
face and body mask for a perfect tan
It’s summertime and we all surely have just one thing on our mind: how to get the right tan! But to get your skin smooth and bronze there are some things you should keep in mind.
Fresh Summer Night Make Up
Natural light makeup
Summer is finally here and we couldn't be happier! In fact when the weather warms up, going out wearing makeup is really a nightmare. Our solution? Makeup free during the day, natural light makeup at night.
9 Fruit/herbs-Infused Waters
to stay hydrated this summer
Paying attention to the amount of liquids we consume daily, especially in summer, is very important. But can be very hard too, especially if you find water tasteless and "boring".
DIY Homemade Hair Mask
for Dry Hair
The mask we want to teach you today is very easy and it really works with dry hair. The ingredients needed are very simple and can easily be found at your local grocery store. Are you ready? Let's start!

The Grass is Greener
Where You Water it
How many times have you heard the cliche "The grass is greener on the other side"? And how many times have you looked at someone else's life, feeling envious? Every day we see so many people, online or in real life, that always seem to have more and better than us.
How to drink enough water
and stay hydrated CHALLENGE
Sometimes we have so many other things to think about and to do, that we remember to drink only when we are particularly thirsty. Starting a WATER CHALLENGE is what we need to start paying attention to the amount of liquids we consume daily.
30 day Stretching Challenge
increase your flexibility
We've never payed much attention to our flexibility but stretching is very very important for your muscles, and it can be really helpful for your workouts too: the bendier you are, the better you can do your workouts, with less risk of injury.
Open up your eyes
Perfection is a disease of a nation
"Comparison is the thief of joy". Who said that clearly couldn't see it coming. He could never imagine that one day people would spend hours, phone in hand, scrolling through their Instagram feed: perfect bodies; perfect faces; perfect houses; amazing memories of someone else's life.

"Malibu" by Miley Cyrus
Twineapples Cover
We've finally released a new cover and we're so excited! We hope you'll like our version of "Malibu" by Miley Cyrus. When we first heard the song and watched the video we fell in love. It makes us feel very deep emotions.
What you need to start training at home
BBG 0.1 guide
Sometimes you don't have the time to go to the gym, so training at home could be a perfect alternative for you. But there are a few things you may need to go get before you start.
Our Style
favourite "go-to" looks
We're so happy it's Friday already.. because for us this means makeup and expression time! We've already explained what Makeup and Fashion mean to us, but we haven't told you guys anything about our style or favorite "go-to" looks, yet.
Quick DIY Clay Mask Recipe
for Oily Skin
Today we want to teach you how to make one of our favorite purifying face masks for oily skin, with Green Clay and White Yogurt and tell you all their benefits and properties.

Express yourself
Don't repress yourself
Nowadays, we live in a society where social medias daily bombard us with pictures of perfect lives, perfect looks, perfect body shapes and faces (edited with photoshop most of the time), that can leave us feeling empty, jealous, and even depressed.
And I'm Feeling Good
the only true reason why you should meditate
Every time we talk about Meditation there is someone asking what is so exciting about being sitting in an awkward position, trying to become some boring Buddha reincarnations. Wait.. what?!?
Kayla Itsines & BBG
If you want to start living an healthier life, if you do want to start feeling good in your own body and becoming stronger day by day.. Start NOW, not "tomorrow" or "next week". The change starts with you and no one else!
why it's so important to take care of your body
Sometimes we can't really appreciate ourselves and our body cause we just don't take care enough of it. "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live in!"

is feeling good in our own skin
Every body is different and beautiful and really deserves your love and respect. Beauty is feeling good in our own skin. And Fitness can really help us along the way.
Please, don't stop the music
our biggest passion
Ever since we were little, singing was what we loved the most. At first we used to sing in the shower, or in our bedroom together, but when we were 15 we started taking lessons. We surely have much more to learn, and we can't wait!
Welcome to our twin life
Vanilla & Julia
Welcome to our blog! We're so excited for this new adventure starting right now. It's been a while since we've started working on the project of this blog and today it's finally the time to share it with the world. Yaaay! We couldn't be happier!


Hi everyone, we are Vanilla & Julia and we are very happy you have reached out our blog! We are twin sisters and we come from Italy (Rome). Our biggest passion in life is music and singing and we're studying hard to make a job of it. We love to express ourselves in many different ways, we really enjoy fashion and makeup. We believe that life is meant to be lived happily and that the best thing can come out from every situation: "Never give up" is our mantra! Meditation and fitness are a big part of our life, because we know nothing is more powerful than feeling good in our own skin, both physically and mentally. We really believe that if everyone was really connected to their real self, there wouldn't be room for hate in this world. Kindness is our superpower and we can't wait to share all the love we have and positive vibes with you all!
